Natural Selection – Evolution Made Simple


This little online app shows how natural selection works. Or at least, tries to, albeit rather simplistic.  I’ve called it Evolutionary!  A number of colored dots whiz around.  Occasionally two random dots create a new one.  The new dot receives traits from both parents.  In this case, the traits are related to the color of the dot.  The color of the new dot is not completely random, but related to the color of the parents.  A button (selection pressure) can be enabled.   It adds a selection mechanism, by introducing a “predator” dot.   The predator will remove the dots that differ the most from itself.   In this case it compares colors, and regularly removes dots with the most differing color.

The MMiX.Me Music Player in 2016


Hi All, mmixLinus here again!

So, admittedly, it’s been a while since the latest version of MMiX.Me Music Player was released, and it’s definitely time for something new!  If all goes well, I should be able to post a new version by October 2016!  This version, which I probably will call 0.3.0, will contain

  • Radio streaming by SHOUTcast (Loudcity is discontinued)
  • Easy to research albums, artists and music stations
  • New layout
  • New 3D viewing shapes

If you’d like some specific feature, please drop us a line!